
Senior Kindergarten

Senior Kindergarten is an important year, full of new and varied learning experiences and especially learning  to be responsible, caring, full time students. SK consists of mostly interactive work, with a balance of learning as a group and completing individual work. 

Students will participate in learning Bible stories, songs and Bible verses, always applying what we learn to our daily lives.  We attend a chapel service once a week and will become part of a Faith Family.

Much time will be spent developing and applying skills and strategies for the reading and writing process.  We will learn through a phonics based program and master a large sight word vocabulary.  We will also develop effective listening and speaking skills.

Math is designed to provide students with number sense, patterns, time and money concepts, sorting, measurement, basic addition and subtraction, all through hands on activities.

Science and Social Studies helps us learn about the world around us through experiments and interactive projects.  Students will participate in process oriented art, learning the basic elements of art.

SK also participates in Music Class and Physical Education and daily learning centers.


First Grade

First grade dives into collaborative learning, through hands on creative activities. Learning to become a confident reader is important where students are comprehending and building fluency skills. 

A focus is placed on handwriting and practiced throughout the day in every subject.

The S.T.E.A.M program (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) gives the students a creative thinking outlet. S.T.E.A.M reaches multi-learning levels in one activity. The projects are hands on yet pen to paper, teacher led or self-guided. The S.T.E.A.M projects are additional to the core subjects and help to reinforce topics introduced.

Religion, math, language arts (grammer/phonics), reading time (to self, to teacher, to partner), science, and social studies are all a part of the first graders day. A focus is placed on building Christian character and growing in being a witness.


Second Grade

The second grade curriculum reinforces and builds upon the strong phonetic skills learned in first grade to encourage reading for content. We begin to learn the writing process, and learning will become cross curricular at this level as well!

Second grade will be a year when students are challenged to take more responsibility for their learning. They are encouraged to work more independently, collaborate, and mentor to one another on many occasions.   

We are God's special creations. We are all unique and have different talents. Good manners, self respect, and respect for our classroom and those who learn here every day is expected. We are loved by our Father and He expects us to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The class will take 3-4 curriculum based field trips per year and will be coordinated with 1-3 grade teachers as well.

For more information, schedule a tour with Megan Arnold, Marketing and Admissions Director, to meet the teachers and learn more curriculum specific information.