Support the Mission of ASLS

Support Abiding Savior Lutheran School

At Abiding Savior Lutheran School, it costs nearly $10,000 to educate one student each year. We work diligently to keep tuition affordable while running our school efficiently and minimizing reliance on government funding. We invite our community to share their time, talents, and treasures to support our mission, ensuring that we can continue to provide exceptional, Christ-centered education to our students. Explore the various opportunities to contribute and make a lasting impact on the lives of our children.


Our volunteers are an integral part of our mission and we invite you to email the Parent Teacher League for ways to get involved. gro.ltslsaobfsctd@LTP 

Opportunities include library assistance, classroom assistance, lunchroom assistance, after school club facilitators, coaches and more!

There are a variety of ways to share your expertise with our students in a curricular aligned manner. If you can commit to a set time each week, please reach out to Principal Brian Ryherd to explore the opportunities such as teaching an elective class.

Fundraising is essential to ensure that students receive the best possible education and support. Your gift of any size will help our children. Fundraising is vital to supplement tuition costs, enhance educational programs, maintain and upgrade facilities, teacher support and development, community building, and minimizing government reliance. 

Abiding Savior Golf Tournament September 29th at Sugar Creek

Annual Auction – Save the date April 11th at The Falls in Columbia, IL
