Family Spotlight: The Sell Family

This spotlight features the Sell family, as written by Andrew Sell.


What do you love about Abiding Savior Lutheran School?

I love that the teachers and staff put Christ first in their teaching, and that I can trust my children will receive a quality education without having to worry they will be taught things that go against my morals and beliefs.

Why did you choose Abiding Savior for your child(ren)?

Abiding Savior has been my home church since my family moved (back) to St. Louis in 1998. It's the school I attended and graduated from, and I feel it's such a blessing to be able to send my children to the same school I attended.

In what ways have you seen your child grow in their faith as a result of their experience at Abiding Savior?

My son Levi (2nd grade) has started to take an interest in what is happening during the worship services. He will follow along in the bulletin with the readings and the songs. I am continually impressed with his knowledge of different Bible stories. My daughter Nora (Kindergarten) loves to come home and tell us about the Bible story they are currently learning at school. She loves to ask questions about God, and often likes to remind us that God created everything and He loves us.

What is one word your family would use to describe the Abiding Savior experience?


What would you tell other parents to encourage them to consider enrolling their children at Abiding Savior?

In the current state of the world, there are very few places I trust with the care and education of my children. I can say with 100% confidence that I trust the staff at Abiding Savior to teach and uphold the Christian standards that we teach them at home. It is not the cheapest form of education, but it is the best value education by far. It's worth every penny to have the peace of mind knowing my children are in good hands during the school day.