Family Spotlight: The Limbert Family

This spotlight features the Limbert family, as written by Jennifer Limbert.


What do you love about Abiding Savior Lutheran School?

I love the community at Abiding Savior! There are so many ways to be involved as a volunteer and have a direct impact on the betterment of your child’s education.

Why did you choose Abiding Savior for your child(ren)?

My husband and I value a Christian education and align with the teachings of Abiding Savior. We wanted to have a sense of comfort and relief knowing that what our children learn in the walls of this school will build a foundation for their future as a student and follower of Christ.

In what ways have you seen your child grow in their faith as a result of their experience at Abiding Savior?

The way that my son has found a love of math is mind blowing! He truly has fun! It’s also so heartwarming to hear him tell Bible stories in his words, listen to him sing songs and recite the Lords Prayer.

What is one word your family would use to describe the Abiding Savior experience?


What would you tell other parents to encourage them to consider enrolling their children at Abiding Savior?

You’ll never regret investing in your child’s future through the emphasis on a Christian education.